
We are looking for motivated researchers to join the lab at postdoctoral, PhD and MS degree levels, as well as undergraduates. Please send your CV to Dr. Hamed Arami.

Principal Investigator

Hamed Arami

Assistant Professor

Materials Science and Engineering

Biological Design


Hamed Arami is an assistant professor affiliated with Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Biological Design, and Neuroscience programs at Arizona State University. His research is funded by National Institutes of Health (NIH). He was a K99 post-doctoral fellow at Stanford University School of Medicine (Radiology, Dr. Sam Gambhir’s laboratory) and Northwestern University (Materials Science, Dr. John Rogers’ laboratory), collaborating with various labs at Stanford Hospital and Departments of Materials Science, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Radiology and Neuroscience. He was also a NIH T32 (SCIT) and Marie-Curie fellow during his postdoctoral research before starting his K99award. His research lab at ASU investigates advancements at the interface of bioelectronics, nanomedicine, medical devices, brain cancer diagnosis and therapy, imaging and neuroscience. He received his dual-title PhD in 2015, in Materials Science (MSE) and Nanotechnology and Molecular Engineering (NTME) from University of Washington, in Dr. Kannan Krishnan’s lab. His research has been recognized by various organizations including Materials Research Society (MRS), World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC), and NSF Future Faculty awards. He was also selected as a Distinguished Young Scholar by Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Washington.

Postdoctoral Fellow:

PhD in Mechanical Engineering

MSc in Mechanical Engineering

BSc in Mechanical Engineering

Graduate students:

Mary Golshahi

PhD student in Biological Design

MSc in Cell and Molecular Biology

BSc in Cell and Molecular Biology


Saman Ebrahimibasabi

PhD student in Materials Science and Engineering

MSc in Material Science and Engineering

BSc in Material Science and Engineering 


Maryam Ghareh Sheikhlou

PhD student in Biological Design

Doctor of Pharmacy


Amin Hashemi

PhD student in Electrical Engineering 

MSc in Biomedical Engineering 

BSc in Electrical Engineering 


Naghmeh Shahraki

Visiting Researcher

Doctor of Pharmacy


Kimia Kari

PhD student in Materials Science and Engineering 

BSc in Material Science and Engineering 

Mostafa Sajjadi

PhD student in Biological Design 

MSc in Electrical Engineering 

BSc in Electrical Engineering 

Master Student:

Jeremy Graunke

MSc student in Materials Science and Engineering

Undergraduate Students:

Jaxon Henderson 

BSc student in Materials Science and Engineering

Jack Evans

BSc student in Materials Science and Engineering

Previous Members:

Undergraduate, Materials Science and Engineering, 2023

-Austin Borchert

-Lia Flix

- Joshua Weekes

- Ian Baker